Monday, December 29, 2008

Are we really doing what we are intended to?????

Mumbai terrorist attacks…
Hyderabad Bomb Blasts….
Bangalore Bomb Blasts….
Delhi Bomb Blasts….
Assam Bomb Blasts…..
May be this list goes on and on…
Who cares?????
And what this CARE exactly means????
Yes they do….they do care by collecting all the signatures of citizens on a big poster with all the photographs of people killed in Attacks, showing their protest towards all these attacks…

They do care by organizing meetings and discussing about how brutally people are killed…
They do care by having public polls like
“Who do you think is accountable for all these brutal attacks?”
(a) Government (b) Pakistan (c) Mahatma Gandhi (d) George Bush
Please send your answer by typing “timepass space your option” to 565656

They do care by having all the cineactors on a open ground holding placards in one hand and a pink rose in another hand and shouting all at a time “We condemn all these attacks

Well..After a few time...completely forgetting what happened....
As shown in the recent film "Wednesday"... All citizens may not be able to kill the terrorists...then whats the solution...
What are we actually intended to Do??????
and are we doing the same????

The only solution to all the problems...
Think..or rather Rational thought can alone let ones conscience decide whether they are taking the right step....

If it needs to be listed out..then alot of faults or frauds of the country can be listed..Starting from the Terrorist attacks to the bullshit politics....But whats use in listing all them without thinking about the cause or reason for what's all is happening around...
coming to few core questions...
How many of us ( so called Youngsters, Lets forget about the rest classes for a while) know about whats happening with country?
Take the name of POLITICS infront of any person...99 out of 100 will respond with a sigh succeding a statement "Oh !! no man...I dont like those idiotic politics and bullshit politicians"....
Very well...ask the same person..why he dislikes certain politicians and ask him what makes a good politician and what comes to a Perfect politics....
What is the core reasons for the current stage of INDIA....
I will not be able to find good amount of logical answers other than few supportive statements

collecting signatures or talking emotionally about the faults is not going to help in anyway other than wasting valuable time...
Inspite of doing that..if we can go for a Rational thinking and comeout with a analysis on
Whats happening with current politics
Whats Happening with the Budget
Whats all about Economical status of the country
What about the external affairs of India
Whats the impact of the worldly affairs on India
What are the decisions taken by certain government in certain situations
Who is better in certain situations when compared...
Do we really need Reservation
How is Caste ..Creed..Sect going to help the Country on whole...
How is Religion Going to make a difference..& why does one want to talk abt Religion

SO on so forth....
Lot to think about..
Lot to Analyse about..
Without can one really make a statement on anything happening around..

I often hear people telling that they dont want to vote any politician as all are one and the same..
May be true...
But is that Indifference of a citizen going to help the country????
If you dont vote..some one else will your place..
If we are sinking down from the ship..and we have 4 weak sources to help the ship from sinking...
Ofcourse 4 are pretty weak..
Then can we sit idle saying that i dont believe in any of the sources????
and is that idle state going to save the SHIP????
Certainly not...Instead of sitting idle and letting it drown away..a sincere trail can be made by using the lesser weaker source ..
May be the same Analogy works with us...
Our analysis can certainly help us in identifying the one idiot out of the 4 idiots...who is atleast worth doing 1 out of 10 tasks....
To clean a GUTTER...ofcourse you need to step into that and keep your hand..without which GUTTER will remain the same forever...

VOTING..the Basic Responsibility of every Citizen..We are intended to do that.. and are we really doing that?
And if Yes then what are the criteria we are choosing????
When i hear to people saying that.. He is from my caste..he is from my religion...
i am always reminded of a statement given by the Actor,Director Kamal Haasan....
Once When he was asked about Religion and he being Athiest...
He responded saying " For me Religion is like SEX..when you dont talk about Sex out of your bedroom then why do you want to talk about Religion??? Religion is as private as SEX is.."..
Education got nothing to do with Sensibility...
This is being proved again and again by all so called intellectuals....
How can Education Help without Rational Thinking ?????
As soon as a new party is estabilished...They start promising, certain caste people into BC and thus making them avail all the reservations..
Which sounds quite good to people and which becomes criteria for them to vote for those people
How can one call this Rational Thinking???
Some Vote to people from their caste
Some Vote to people from their creed
Then how can one expect a Politics free Politics????

If one Government fails in doing certain things and leads to disasters then next time the other party irrespective of their past records will be elected ..expecting them to resolve the prevaling problems
So Funny..Isint it????


This anguish continues....

1 comment:

  1. Too good article ... What you said is right ... One has to think in this angle...
